Tuesday, December 1, 2020

APTA Core Ambassador Update - November 2020


#FightTheCut, Scholarship, historic NSC

APTA Student Core Ambassador Update

November 30, 2020


More than 100,000 letters were sent to Congress opposing the 9% cut, and it worked! Congress has introduced legislation (H.R. 8702) that addresses the cut. We need you to contact Congress again to help #FightTheCut.


APTA's conference for students, by students, was hosted virtually this year. The event broke previous attendance records and provided a wide range of relevant, inspiring offerings still available for viewing.


APTA is awarding a scholarship to one PT student member and one PTA student member with exceptional overall accomplishments and contributions to APTA, the APTA Student Assembly, and the physical therapy profession. Apply by Dec. 1. 


The end of the year is a good time to think about your finances, both present and future. APTA’s Financial Solutions Center offers a , with customized learning on topics such as student loan debt, repayment options, and loan consolidation. Check out  a questionnaire that produces customized insights and action items based on your responses. Pass it on to your fellow APTA member students!



The students and faculty of the PTA program at Tyler Junior College, in Tyler, Texas, won APTA's community service contest by helping to increase mobility around the world.


We have a winner: Students from Mercer University, in Atlanta, have been crowned this year's winner of the APTA Student Advocacy Challenge, a year-long professional advocacy competition. 


Like to write? Have a story to tell? APTA is looking for members to contribute perspective articles for apta.org.


What we’re especially interested in right now: Have you attended an APTA conference virtually? What was your conference experience like? What were your concerns before attending, and did they materialize? What surprised you? What would you say to someone considering attending a virtual conference? We're looking for students to briefly answer any of these questions for an upcoming blog post. If you're interested, please email  with the subject-line "Virtual Conference Experience." 


APTA Student Core Ambassador Spotlight

APTA Ohio Core Ambassador, Laura Finke, is a third-year DPT student at The Ohio State University. She is an active member on both the local and national levels. In addition to serving as the core ambassador, Laura has also dedicated her time to serving as the Ohio Physical Therapy Political Action Committee coordinator. During APTA’s recent virtual , Laura moderated a breakout session with students across the country to facilitate networking for students interested in travel physical therapy. Laura has done an amazing job of engaging students and increasing involvement. Keep up the great work! 


Note from the Vice President

Hi everyone! My name is Sydney Neuman, SPT, and I am the newly elected APTA Student Assembly vice president. 


I am so excited for the work we will do together this year. I believe the student voice is vital in our organization, and it is student leaders like you who make the work of the APTA Student Assembly possible. 


Thank you all for stepping up to serve, especially in this challenging and unprecedented time. 


I look forward to meeting you, virtually or in person, during my time as the vice president of the APTA Student Assembly. Please feel free to reach out to me any time.


Sydney Neuman, SPT

Vice President

APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors

American Physical Therapy Association

1111 N. Fairfax St.

Alexandria, VA 22314-1488

703-684-APTA (2782) | 800-999-2782 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

APTA Core Ambassador Update - October 2020


Student Elections, APTA NSC, #PTmonth

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APTA Student Core Ambassador Update

October 24, 2020


APTA Student Assembly Elections

APTA Student Assembly elections are held electronically once per year, and starting this year all APTA student members are eligible to vote. Voting is open Oct. 8 to Nov. 7.


Registration Open for APTA NSC

National Student Conclave is APTA's conference specifically designed for students — and it’s coming to you in an online format, Nov. 4-8. APTA student members who register for NSC 2020 will save 50% on registration for CSM 2021!


Student Spotlight: APTA Pelvic Health

The academy’s mission is to advance global excellence in abdominal and pelvic health through evidence-based practice, innovative education, research, and social responsibility.



APTA National Student Conclave



October is National Physical Therapy Month

Every October we celebrate National Physical Therapy Month, an annual opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of physical therapy. Help us encourage the public to choose physical therapy!


Event: Hot Topics in Federal Policy and Reimbursement

APTA staff will be offering a 90-minute webinar that provides an overview of hot topics in the federal policy and reimbursement landscape, tailored for students of physical therapy. The event will also include a live question and answer session.


Global PT Day of Service: Together We Adapt and Serve

"While our world and PT Day of Service this year looks different, I hope you will join me by participating through community, collaboration, and compassion, to help heal our world, together."


APTA Student Core Ambassador Spotlight

APTA Georgia Core Ambassador Jillian Watson has a passion for connecting students to one another and bringing information to students in order to realize the leadership development opportunities that are available to them. This passion has aligned with the current APTA Georgia Student Focused Interest Network’s (SFIN) efforts to bring students together, despite being so distanced due to COVID-19. This summer and extending into the fall, the APTA Georgia SFIN leadership has hosted three virtual “Talks of the Month,” with panelists from the field discussing topics including Culture & Religion, Why APTA, and the impacts of COVID-19 on Physical Therapy practice. At the end of October, there will be another hosted meeting that will focus on PT advocacy. Jillian has learned an incredible amount from her colleagues on the APTA Georgia SFIN leadership team and is looking forward to continuing to host these events as well as plan the APTA Georgia Student Conclave coming up in early 2021!


Note from the Vice President

As the leaves continue to change colors and the weather begins to shift, the feeling of transition from one season to the next makes itself well known. This will be my last note as the vice president and in a few weeks the current APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors will transfer our duties over to the newly elected student leaders. This is a bittersweet time for me as I wrap up my second term on the student board. I will miss serving in this capacity, but I also know that the incoming group of passionate students will continue to accomplish great things. 


Please get to know the candidates for the upcoming APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors elections and cast an informed vote. One of the things I love about being an APTA member is the feeling that my voice matters and knowing that I can play an active role in bettering our profession and our society. Additionally, please vote in the upcoming national election. It is so incredibly important. Vote.


It has been a pleasure to serve APTA student members. I know that the future of our profession is in great hands!




Kayla Harris, PT, DPT

Vice President

APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors

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American Physical Therapy Association

1111 N. Fairfax St.

Alexandria, VA 22314-1488

703-684-APTA (2782) | 800-999-2782 


Monday, September 28, 2020

September CA Updates


#FightTheCut, PT Month, Centennial Scholar

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 Student Core Ambassador Update

September 25, 2020


2020-2021 APTA Core Ambassador Applications Open

Applications for the 2020-2021 class of APTA Core Ambassadors is now open. Students can apply through the APTA Engage Volunteer Portal.


Apply to be an APTA Centennial Scholar

The APTA Centennial Scholars Program is designed to build a cadre of future association leaders at both the component and national levels. Apply by October 19.


Send a Letter to Medicare to Help #FightTheCut

Congress isn't the only group that needs to hear from you. We need your help to contact Medicare and tell them to stop implementation of these deep cuts to physical therapy providers. Access template letters for contacting Medicare on our Regulatory Action Center.


APTA Live: Entrepreneurship in Physical Therapy

Join host Yusra Iftikhar, PT, DPT as she talks to Ashley Johnson, PT, DPT, and Craig Phifer, PT, MHA, about starting a practice and innovative ways to run a business.


Eight Ways to Participate in National Physical Therapy Month

During National Physical Therapy month this October we're highlighting the transformative role PTs and PTAs can play in making sufficient physical activity the rule, not the exception. 


APTA's National Student Conclave Goes Virtual in 2020

In the interest of safety related to COVID-19, we are replacing our in-person NSC scheduled for Nov. 5-7 in Austin with a virtual event. Get more information here.

APTA Student Core Ambassador Spotlight

APTA Oklahoma Core Ambassador Brett Chase’s goal is to get more students in his state involved and connected with other people in the profession. Working with other PT and PTA students, Brett recently helped create the Oklahoma Physical Therapy Student Social Club, a casual way for SPTs and SPTAs in Oklahoma to get to know each other. The club recently had its first virtual event, with students from several DPT and PTA programs joining in for an evening of conversation, drink recommendations, and trivia, hosted by PT Pintcast’s Jimmy McKay, PT, DPT. Based on participation and feedback, this is sure to be a recurring event. Keep up the great work Brett!

Note from the Vice President

My time as the APTA Student Assembly vice president is drawing to a close. This realization comes with mixed emotions. I will miss being engaged in the profession in this capacity, but I also know that it has prepared me well to continue to be engaged as an early-career professional. I have grown so much as a leader, and as a person, during my time serving on the APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors. I have become more confident in sharing my ideas, I have developed my communication skills, I hold myself more accountable as a team member, and I have learned how to foster personal and professional relationships in the world of physical therapy.


Being involved as a student was one of the highlights of my student career. I encourage all of you to be active participants and leaders in your communities. Being a leader is not exclusive to a title or elected position but encompasses those who engage and serve those around them. Seek out opportunities to serve in formal or informal positions. Not only will you be a part of working toward bettering that community, you also will gain and develop skills that will be valuable as you transition from student to new grad.

Kayla Harris, PT, DPT

Vice President

APTA Student Assembly Board of Directors

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American Physical Therapy Association

1111 N. Fairfax St.

Alexandria, VA 22314-1488

703-684-APTA (2782) | 800-999-2782 
